IGEN Tech 应用

SolarmanPortuguese 1.6.0
SolarmanPortuguese is available on smartphoneswith Android operating system, enabling mobile monitoring of yourPV systems easier and quicker. Both real-time and historical datacan be displayed with transparent graphs and in daily, monthly,annual and overall format. Besides power and yield, data such asCO2 savings, weather condition, and sensor information can bedisplayed as well.
RRGF 1.0.7
RRGF With complete functions, applicable tomanufacturers use platform function.
solarman 2.0.2
Real-time Data & Remote Monitoring, Ensure Investment Return
solarmanPro 3.0.8
SOLARMAN Pro – Good Operation APP for Merchants
SOLARMAN Smart 1.7.16
a brand new generation of Intelligent Energy Management Application
SOLARMAN Business 1.9.7
SOLARMAN Business is a new generation of business version SAASsoftware launched by SOLARMAN, which is specially designed forbusinesses that provide various services during the life cycle ofplant stations. In the scene of plant operation and maintenance, itwill not only provide monitoring functions, but also complete theclosed loop of the entire photovoltaic plant operation andmaintenance process based on "personnel management, multi-scenemonitoring, intelligent analysis applications, and work order /spare parts management". In the scene of equipment after-salesservice , multiple management modules such as product protocol,alarm code, firmware upgrade, and command control will be providedbased on the equipment. --------The main function---------【Management System】 ·According to the division of labor within thebusiness, such as the establishment of different roles such asO&M management, O&M personnel according to theirresponsibilities, different permissions can be set for differentroles; 【Monitor System】 ·Support multiple types of equipment suchas inverters, meters, combiner boxes, weather stations, and mostbrands on the market, so that the plant can be smoothly connectedto the system; ·After connecting to the system, the platformprovides various data such as power generation, electricityconsumption, grid, battery, self-use ratio, irradiation, etc.·Support calculation of multiple key indicators such as PR, powernormalization, inverter DC dispersion rate, inverter peak hour,etc.; ·For large industrial and commercial plants with multipleroofs, subsystems can be created under one plant and the equipmentcan be allocated to different subsystems, so as to separately countthe data of different subsystems. ·Support push, SMS, email, phoneand other methods to receive alarm messages and set alarm messagetrigger logic to avoid too many messages to affect judgment.【Analysis System】 ·The curve analysis tool can compare multipleparameters, multiple plant, and multiple equipment in the same timedimension to find problematic plant and equipment. 【O&M System】·You can create a work order template that meets the managementrequirements of the business, and freely set the work order processand form filling content (such as compiling inspection orders thatare more suitable for the business); ·The inspection plan can bemade according to the arrangement of the internal personnel of theplant , and the system will automatically dispatch the inspectionwork order to the O&M personnel according to the timerequirements of the inspection plan; ·The work order supports thewhole process closed loop, the dispatcher can verify whether thework order is solved, and if there is no solution, the handlerneeds to continue to solve it; ·After the work order verificationis completed, the O&M management can score the work of theO&M personnel and perform performance ranking;
IGSS Business V1.0.2
One-stop O&M, After Service Management Software
IGSS 1.1.2
IGSS-3.0 is a brand new generation of Intelligent EnergyManagementApplication, which is specially designed for globalusers. With thebasic features of full-on visual experience,excellent data displayand all-round monitoring, it achieves thegoal of convenientoperation. 【Build a Plant within 1 min】 No needto fill in tediousinformation. IGSS- Big Data will help to enrichmorecontents.  【24-hour Remote Monitoring】 Go to IGSS--3.0 APPtocheck running status of PV power plant at anytime andanywhere.Reveal all data (Production, Consumption, Battery, Grid,Real-time,Historical Data and etc,.) at a glance. 【EfficientCoordination】Add authorization function. Users can authorize theplant youcreated to your business partner to do O&Mcooperatively.Meanwhile, users can receive the plant from yourbusiness partner,which means users do not have to create a plant orconfigure thedevices. 【More Functions】 Based on energy managementfield,IGSS--3.0 APP will keep the constantly innovation and bringbetterexperience for every user. Dear Users, if you have anysuggestionsor comments, please feel free to send us a note and letus know howwe are doing.
POLYCAB SOLAR ADMIN– Good Operation APP for Merchants
Real-time Data & Remote Monitoring, Ensure Investment Return
SOFAR View 1.0.2
Energy Assistant Around You
Energy Ease 1.0.4
A reliable and smart home energy manager